When people first hear about CannaFit and the fact that I use cannabis to help clients lose weight, one of the first questions I hear is “But what about the munchies?”
I imagine they are trying to reconcile the images of a hard core gym bodybuilder, eating a clean healthy diet of proteins, vegetables and fruits, with a typical stoner habit of seeking chips and cookies to quell the intense desire that comes with “the munchies”.
The munchies occur when THC stimulates the “hunger hormone” ghrelin which tells our brain we need food. The hunger-inducing effects of THC can vary depending on the specific terpenes present in each strain. Terpenes such as myrcene, caryophyllene, and pinene increase the amount of ghrelin produced, whereas terpenes such as humulene, limonene, as well as THCv and CBD, can reduce the amount of ghrelin produced, suppressing appetite.
One of my premier tips for reducing the munchies is to choose the right strain, or product, for your needs. If you are suffering from a loss of appetite from cancer treatments, for example, then an increased appetite will help you fuel your body to keep it fighting strong. As we age, it is common to experience a decrease in appetite. However, since food is our primary fuel source, we need to consistently nourish our bodies to optimize our wellbeing!
If you’re managing your weight, trying to lose weight, or simply trying to be healthy, and are concerned with or frustrated by the munchies, my first suggestion is to add CBD. THC binds to and activates the CB1 receptor which is found in several places including the stomach and small intestines. This is where ghrelin is regulated. Since CBD does not bind to the CB1 receptor, it does not increase ghrelin production, and it can block the THC from binding, therefore can act as a natural appetite suppressant.
If you are using a strain that induces munchies but you’re watching your weight, try adding CBD to your consumption to reduce the effect. Choose high CBD strains and balanced ratios, such as products with a 1:1 ratio of THC to CBD, that will provide a more balanced effect. Strains that are known to reduce hunger and suppress appetite include:
High THC: Durban Poison, Girl Scout Cookies, Pineapple Express, Willie Nelson, Blue Dream, Power plant, Jack the Ripper, Red Congolese, Moby Dick. High CBD: HarleTsu, Cannatonic, Afghan Skunk
Pro tip: Keep a cannabis journal. It doesn’t have to be fancy, simply keep track of the strains and products you consume and how they make you feel.
While working with the correct strain and dosage are the first ways to reduce the munchies, the following tips for planning, strategizing and avoiding triggers will ensure that you remain free of those pesky cravings for pure junk food.
Plan to have healthy food choices on hand. Shop the perimeter of the store and stock up on whole foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Take a few minutes to prepare healthy meals and snacks before consuming cannabis to ensure nutritious options are readily available. By doing so, you won’t be tempted by whatever foods happen to be lingering in the kitchen.
Keep trigger foods out of the house. If you are prone to eating chips when you’re high, avoid buying chips and look for healthier options to satisfy the crunch like popcorn, nuts, roasted chickpeas or edamame. Be aware of hidden sugar sources because added sugar, salt and fat in foods contribute to cravings.
Eat more protein and fiber at every meal. Convenient and popular foods like bagels, cereal, pasta and pretzels may be causing, or worsening, your cravings! These foods are quickly processed by the body leaving you hungry a short time later. Focus on nutrient rich foods, lean protein, and healthy fats. For example: chicken, fish, beef, turkey, eggs, yogurt, and cottage cheese are lean proteins that provide amino acids which act as a natural appetite suppressant.
Additionally, foods that support dopamine (stimulating our reward and pleasure centers in the brain) without a rebound effect (crash) like sugar include:
- Protein such as: chicken, fish, beef
- Nuts & seeds such as: raw almonds, chia seeds, hemp seeds
- Sulfur rich foods such as: Collards, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, onions, garlic, scallions
- Folate rich foods such as: Leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, chickpeas, papaya, black beans, lentils, dark chocolate
Omega 3 Fatty Acids boost leptin (the hormone that makes us full) and are a potent appetite tamer. Try foods like algae oil, fortified eggs, fish, anchovies, sardines, salmon, nuts and seeds, spirulina, navy beans, spinach, and flax oil.
Fiber supports gut health and prevents insulin resistance. Think of cruciferous veggies, broccoli, kale, berries, pomegranate, and leafy greens for example.
Pro Tip: Have a sweet tooth? Fermented foods enhance gut health, boost the immune system and help control sweet cravings because our taste buds adapt to the bitter and sour flavors. Try foods like kimchi, kombucha, miso, sauerkraut, cottage cheese, sour cream, and yogurt.
Hydrate! Thirst can be disguised as hunger. Hydrate at least 8 oz of water every hour. Incorporating moderate amounts of sodium can help the body retain some water.
The mind-body connection enhanced by cannabis helps me be mindful of what I’m eating, and allows me to slow down and focus for a minute to make a decision that supports my goals before just mindlessly reaching for food.
Without cannabis, my mind runs in many directions simultaneously and even a brief thought about food can trigger a mindless trip to the kitchen, grocery store, or Uber Eats without thinking through my long term goals. When I consume cannabis, I’m much more likely to ask myself “Am I actually hungry or is this just a craving?”
Use your senses to eat mindfully. For example, slow down, chew slowly and focus on the taste, texture, flavor and experience of eating.
Distract yourself and wait 5 to 10 minutes. Change up your environment. If you tend to chill and munch on the couch, maybe try another relaxing idea like a puzzle, book or craft in a different room, position, or at a table. You might find that simply changing your location and zoning into an alternative activity will take your focus off of food.
Get moving. Not only will this take your mind off of it, but getting your blood pumping will reduce your cravings.
Ask yourself what your body needs. Chances are, many times it’s not actually food. Is it emotional support, rest, exercise, an activity or another form of self care?
Get a good night’s sleep. Lack of sleep makes us hungry because our body is looking for energy sources. Pro Tip: If you have trouble falling asleep try adding CBN. In general THC and CBN help us fall asleep and CBD helps us stay asleep.
Eat enough during the day. If you find yourself with intense munchies at night, sometimes this happens because we didn’t eat enough during the day and our body is asking for more nutrition. Be sure to listen to your hunger and eat enough to be satisfied. For example, avoid skipping meals to “save” calories. If you eat only a salad for lunch because you are “saving” calories for later, this might be the reason you’re overeating and craving more later in the day.
Don’t eliminate macro nutrients. Don’t restrict yourself so low on carbs or fat that your body begins to beg for it. When your body is desperate for glucose, your brain won’t be able to forget it and cravings will sneak up on you!
I hope this sheds light on the fact that managing the munchies while using cannabis for weight loss or overall health is possible with the right strategies. With these tips, rest assured that you can confidently enjoy the benefits of cannabis without compromising your commitment to a healthy lifestyle or sabotaging your waistline.
If you’re interested in more personalized information or want to explore further, feel free to reach out to me directly at Beth@Cannafitnessnutrition.com. You can discover more about my comprehensive 12 week program, CannaFit, which helps you integrate cannabis into your fitness and nutrition for optimal wellness at www.cannafitnessnutrition.com.