If you stink at rolling joints, then you should try RAW Cones. These are easy to use to rolling papers, that you pack instead of roll. Make sure grind up your weed well, then the just pack away. These cones come with filter tips for a great smoke experience.
So here we have some raw cones classic raw cones, purest natural fibers, unrefined natural. Unrefined Rolling Papers 1 and 1/4 inch size. These are probably my favorite things to smoke. I’ve never been particularly good at rolling joints, so I’ve got the same thing here rolling papers that I could roll into a joint. I’m just not great at it. I find that a lot of my smoke product falls out of it. I know that there are people out there that are fantastic, I’m just not one of them and I think I’m probably an average roller. So when I heard of these cones at first I really didn’t know what they were all about. But now that I do they are my favorite go-to. So if I pull tab here, there are six of these papers. They come with the packing tool and they’ve already got filter tips in there. I love filter tips you can buy filter tip separately. It’s the same thing as rolling a joint. This is the same papers that you would use, you don’t have to add the filter tip but instead of rolling these you pack them. What I’m going to do here is show you how to go about packing a cone. So let me set this aside. I’m going to show you right here This is finely ground up marijuana, this is pretty necessary you got to grind it up. finally I use Grinder got a magnetic top you can simply push the marijuana leaf into the grinder, spin it back and forth. I’m going to show you just how easy this is. This takes absolutely no rolling skills whatsoever you simply take the paper you pick up the marijuana, you drop in a little bit just to get started no you take the packing tool and use it to push it down here to the very end. I pack it in pretty tightly but not super tight again you need air to flow through. I never have a bad smoke experience at all with these. The filter tip here at the bottom, that goes a long way. I still love joints, don’t get me wrong and I know that there are people that can whip them up without even really looking at them. I watch people roll some amazing cannons and have a whole conversation with somebody else. I’ve see people do it driving down the road though that’s not recommended, keep your eyes on the road. Look like I’ve got it pretty well packed in here. Nnow I’m going to push the paper together, give it a little twist. What I have here is something that looks a lot like a pre-roll. If you ever walk into a dispensary you can buy these pre-rolled cones. This gives you the ability to make your own pre-rolls and end up having a perfect little joint that’ll smoke really well.
Ready to Buy Some RAW Cones? 👉 https://atomicblaze.com/cart.php?action=buy&sku=AB-7002-RAW-CKS&source=tnmnews_youtube
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